Category Archives for "Uncategorized"

Is Your Sleeping Position Causing Back Pain?

If your sleeping position is causing back pain or neck pain, a few easy changes to the way you lie in bed can make a huge difference!

Are you waking up feeling worse than what you did before you went to bed? Many people, regardless of their age and physical well-being, wake up in the morning feeling sore and stiff. If popping a painkiller first thing in the morning is a ritual, your sleeping position might be to blame.

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A Pain Relieving Milkshake?!


Who says healthy eating can’t also taste amazing? If you’re like me, I like to make it as easy as possible to live healthy. That’s why I would like to share with you a couple wonderful turmeric milkshake recipes that not only tastes great, but will also help your body feel great.  Continue reading