What is Foraminal Stenosis? (with Animated Video)

In this quick video, Dr. Rowe (St. Joseph, MI chiropractor) goes over the signs and symptoms of foraminal stenosis in a short, animated video. Watch now!



Foraminal stenosis is when the openings of the spine, through which spinal nerves travel, become narrow or closed off. We call these openings foramen. ⠀

It happens usually when a bone spur (osteophyte) or herniated spinal discs block off these foraminal openings.

This can lead to a pinched nerve causing shooting pains, numbness, and weakness over the area where the nerve travels. ⠀

TIP: foraminal stenosis very similar to spinal stenosis, especially with the type of symptoms it can produce. The big difference, though, is where it affects the spine. So be sure to check out our previous video going over spinal stenosis too!⠀
If this all sounds familiar, get it checked out and take a step forward towards getting relief.⠀⠀
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Chiropractor in St. Joseph, MI — Dr. Michael Rowe

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